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Applause - Lady Gaga

2013-8-21 18:00| 發布者: editor| 查看: 42883| 評論: 0|來自: 消費電子實驗室

摘要: Applause 演唱:Lady GaGa I stand here waiting for you to bang the gong to crash the critic saying: is it right or is it wrong? If only fame had an IV baby could I bare, being away from you I ...

演唱:Lady GaGa

I stand here waiting
for you to bang the gong
to crash the critic saying:
is it right or is it wrong?
If only fame had an IV baby could I bare,
being away from you
I found the vein put it here.
I live for the applause, applause, applause.
I live for the applause-plause,
live for the applause-plause.
Live for the way that you cheer
and scream for me.
The applause, applause, applause.
Give me that thing that I love
turn turn the lights
Put your hands up make'em touch
it real
Give me that thing that I love
turn turn the lights
Put your hands up make'em touch
it real
Make it real loud
your hands up make'em
Make it real loud
your hands up make'em
I've overheard your theory,
nostalgia's for geeks.
I guess sir, if you say so,
some of us just like to read.
One second I'm a Koons fan,
suddenly the Kunst is me.
Pop culture was in art now,
Art in Pop culture in me.
I live for the applause, applause, applause.
I live for the applause-plause,
live for the applause-plause.
Live for the way that you cheer
and scream for me.
The applause, applause, applause.
Give me that thing that I love
turn turn the lights
put your hands up make'em touch
it real
Give me that thing that I love
turn turn the lights
Put your hands up make'em touch
it real
Make it real loud
your hands up make'em
Make it real loud
your hands up make'em
Wooh! Touch-touch! Wooh!
Touch-touch now! Wooh!
I live for the applause, applause, applause.
I live for the applause-plause,
live for the applause-plause.
Live for the way that you cheer
and scream for me.
The applause, applause, applause.
Give me that thing that I love
turn turn the lights
put your hands up make'em touch
it real
Give me that thing that I love
turn turn the lights
Put your hands up make'em touch
it real
Make it real loud
your hands up make'em
Make it real loud!
your hands up make'em






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